When a raw food becomes processed food, it can be best valued, protected, stored, and safely delivered to customers.
– Anthony Pratt
"Food Processing industry means" means without in any way limiting the ordinary meaning of the expression of the industry in which the employers and employees are associated together for the purpose of preparing, processing, or preserving food or food-stuffs (which include ice-cream and frozen confections), including the blending and packaging of tea and coffee and all operations identical thereto.
Includes the wholesale and retail of such products is carried on in conjunction with manufacturer, preparation, processing or preservation, but excludes processing or preserving:
(a) Bread, bread products, cake, buns, and similar products
(b) Fresh and preserved meats
(c) Sugar, sweets and confectionary, other frozen confections
(d) Soft drinks
(e) Alcoholic beverages
(f) Foods prepared by hotels, restaurants, cafes, and luke establishments for consumption on-premises
"grade" means a grade listed in the second schedule
"industry Holiday" means any day prescribed as a paid holiday in terms of section 15
"Medical practitioners" means any person who is legally permitted to practice as a medical practitioner in Zimbabwe
"night shift' means a shift the majority of hours which fall between 8 p.m and 5 a.m
"Overtime" means any time worked outside of the daily working hours of work required to be exhibited in terms of section9(2)
"Parent industry agreement " means:
(a) in respect of the building trades in the definition of "designated trades" therein, the agreement published in Statutory Instrument 402 of 1993, as amended or replav\ced from time to time
(b) in respect of the mechanical and electrical trades listed in the definition of "journeyman" there in the agreement published in Rhodesia Government Notice No 1134 of 1971, as amended or replaced from time to time
Provided that, if any agreement specified in this definition expires and is not replaced by a further agreement, any reference to that agreement in this definition shall be a reference to that agreement as last amended prior to its expiry
"part-time employee" means an employee who is engaged to undertake regular daily work for periods not exceeding a total of five hours a day, or engaged on a weekly basis of not more than thirty hours per week
"Piece Work" means any system by which earnings are calculated wholely on the quantity or output of work done, irrespectively of the time spent on such work
"Region" means regions specified in the Second Schedule of the Labour Relations General Regulations, 1985, published in Statutory Instrument 368 of 1985
"Seasonal Work" Means work that is owing to the nature of the industry, performed only at certain times of the year.